Dara Sweatt

4 Steps to a Simple Healthy Lifestyle

Dara Sweatt
4 Steps to a Simple Healthy Lifestyle

Written by Dara Sweatt

I heard on the radio the other day that more people feel like a healthy lifestyle makes them more miserable and stressed out. 

When I tell y’all I L O L ‘d…

The most depressed and stressed I ever felt in my life was when I WAS NOT holding myself accountable to practice more mindful habits.

There is a TON of information out there in the internet space and so many people giving their “two cents” about what you should and shouldn’t do. That can for sure be overwhelming! 

The overload of information, false or not, is the reason you’re stressed out. 

I PROMISE you, it is possible to focus on your wellness and have fun at the same time. 

You’re talking to someone who used to binge and purge ON THE REGULAR and ‘diet’ hard and crash and burn. So believe me when I tell you, I get it. 

Keep it simple when you start and choose ONE from the following FOUR:

  • Gratitude

    • Say out loud or write down three things you’re grateful for daily. It feels a little awkward at first, but if you stay consistent, you will start to notice the differences in your life. 

  • Intentional Movement

    • At least 30 minutes of movement, three times a week.

    • Not everyone has time for CrossFit or Yoga classes multiple times a week, but you do have time to go for a 30 minute walk or bike ride. Just MOVE.

  • Eat more veggies

    • Don’t think you have to totally clear out your fridge and pantry to start working towards a healthy life, simply adding veggies to your meals and snacks and eating them first will do WONDERS for you. 

  • Drink more water 

    • Adequate hydration is vital for your optimal health. Dehydration can decrease performance up to 20%. Get yourself an emotional support water bottle and bring that baby with you everywhere. 

Just pick one and start there. After a while it will start to just become part of your everyday routine and next thing you know, you’re adding another and another and so on and so on!

If you’re doing those four things, the rest of the “healthy lifestyle” will follow. 

It doesn’t need to be complicated. 

You got this, friend!