Dara Sweatt

4 Tips to Follow This Holiday Season

Dara Sweatt
4 Tips to Follow This Holiday Season

Inspired by: Graham Strength & Conditioning

Fall is in the air and that means Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s are all right around the corner.

And those aren’t just four days. 

We were invited to THREE Halloween parties, have a few friend groups we plan on doing Friendsgiving with, two families to split Christmas between as well as company and friend holiday parties. Oh and can’t forget the Christmas family trip!

Not to mention one of the MANY weddings I've been in in the past year and a half falls on New Year’s Eve… double whammy. 

In previous years, I might have said things like “it’s too hard to stay on track during the holidays,” or “I am just going to have to wait until the holidays are over to focus on myself.”

Before, I might have just gone into it with the mindset of “screw it, I’ll just do whatever and then get back to it after the holidays”.

Did you read how many things I have going on this season? As I’m sure you do too.

IF we did that to ourselves, not only would we be putting our health at risk with the over consumption of foods and drinks that cause inflammation, but we would also send ourselves back to the drawing board AND THEN SOME.

The crazy part about it, is that the holidays are EVERY YEAR and there are numerous other celebrations throughout the year. Parties keep coming, vacations happen, weddings, various celebrations go on, and life doesn’t stop– so why should your nutritional focus?

Thanks to my coaches and community at Graham Strength & Conditioning, I have 4 EASY tips ANYONE can do this holiday season to get ahead of your goals instead of further behind.

  1. Follow the plate method and eat your veggies first!

  2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

  3. Don’t skip meals to save up for a feast

  4. Intentional movement daily

Is my goal to lose more weight the rest of this year? HECK NO! That is WAY too much pressure to put on myself with everything that’s going to be happening.

My goal is to maintain the current weight I worked by butt off throughout the beginning of this year to get to by keeping up a steady routine and utilizing those 4 tips. 

And if I gain 1-3 pounds because I let myself enjoy time with friends and family, I’m not going to beat myself up. And neither should you!

Do you have a plan to navigate this holiday season in a manner that allows you to enjoy all the festivities and stay on track with your health and wellness goals?

Reach out if you need some help, I’m here for you.

You got this friend!

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