Dara Sweatt

6 Months Left to Make Yourself Proud in 2022

Dara Sweatt
6 Months Left to Make Yourself Proud in 2022

Written by Dara Sweatt

Can you believe we are SIX MONTHS away from 2023?! 🤯

As shocking as it may sound, it’s never too late to crush your goals even if you fell off track. 

Before you have your "holy shit" moment, I want you to think about the WINS you've had in these past six months! In our journeys we far too seldomly press down on ourselves because we didn't do this or we aren't that, when in reality, we should be giving ourselves SO MUCH more credit. 

Here are a couple steps to to get back on track or just to remind yourself of your WHY:


What goals are your highest priority? What is it that you're really looking to achieve in the next 6 months? Do you need to refocus? 


Really think about what your routines are currently and look at the blind spots. (Too much time on socials, binging TV shows). 

Rather than spend 30 minutes mindlessly scrolling, spend that time tidying up your spaces you would be SURPRISED how much you can accomplish if you legit set a timer and just start uninterrupted organizing and cleaning.

The memes of the internet and loud reality shows will be there when you can keep up your feet and relax after you get things done.

If you keep missing the gym at the end of the day because you're "too tired", then you better start showing up in the morning so it's already done.

If you keep missing the alarm, friend, go to sleep earlier or find one of the MANY supplements out there that help give a better night's sleep. 

If you keep slipping on your nutrition and you want to track, then you're going to have to start making that a priority and part of your day to get the info in there.

Sometimes, we gotta get a little UNCOMFORTABLE so that we can get COMFORTABLE. 

New routines are weird at first, but once you get in the habit of rocking them everyday, it just becomes your norm!


For the next four weeks, follow your realistic new routine at LEAST 80% of the time. 

Get comfortable with it, and then add in one more thing. 

And then after those next four weeks, add in another. 

And so on and so on!

REALLY ask yourself if your goals and routines are attainable, get an accountability partner to help keep you on track, and remember to give yourself GRACE, we are not perfect, we are all in progress. 

You got this, friend!