Dara Sweatt

Controlling Your Controllables

Dara Sweatt
Controlling Your Controllables

Written by Dara Sweatt

Let’s face it, 2021 has been… a time. 

There’s so much going on in the world, so many distractions and reasons to stress or panic and anxiety all around is at an all time high.

I’ve been feeling this too! It’s been really hard honestly. You can’t have a conversation without someone bringing up Covid regardless of what side you’re on vaccine wise. And dear lord baby Jesus please don’t even mumble about politics.

I’m getting anxious just mentioning it.

Basically, there have been more than enough reasons to postpone your goals and what you hoped to accomplish this year when there are so many -legit- distractions.

But have you thought about the fact that some of that stuff you’re allowing to be an excuse is out of your control? And that maybe it’s time to shift your mindset to the things you can control?

I’m going to give you 5 different elements of your life to really think about and start to take control of:

  • Your Effort

    • With work, working out, nutrition, friendships, relationships, and how much money you spend all can fall under this. If you’re not putting in the effort to make your life, health, and finances better, it just won’t happen. You can’t manifest without putting in effort. The universe isn’t a magic genie and your coffee cup isn’t a lamp you can just rub and think a better life into existence. You have to get up and do something about it. The smallest effort can go miles, don’t think it has to be something extreme. You eat an elephant the same way you eat watermelon: one bite at a time.

  • Your Attitude

    • If you’re not focusing on having a better attitude, no matter what good things come your way, you will never be happy or feel fulfilled. No one can MAKE you mad, they can do something that upsets you, but you’re in control of how you respond to it. Practicing daily gratitude has really helped me personally with my attitude adjustment. 

  • Your Hydration

    • It’s literally just drinking enough water for your body to properly function. Don’t overthink it, just do it. Advocare’s Rehydration is an awesome, tasty supplement that I drink 1-2 times a day to help with that as well. (Contact me if you wanna know more).

  • Your Sleep Schedule

    • I know this one seems harder than it actually is, but it is extremely important to get good sleep or everything else will fall downhill. Set a bedtime timer, if you’re staying up late to work, look at what you’re doing during the day that’s causing you to not be productive enough to get work done at a reasonable hour. Use essential oils and drink tea to help calm your mind and body before bed.

  • The People You Associate With

    • If you are constantly hanging out with or talking to people who have something negative to say about EVERYTHING, it’s time to dump them. That might sound harsh and when you’re bffs with someone for a long time, it’s hard to let go, but you need to think about your life and your progress. If they don’t want to be supportive and encouraged by you, you are just wasting your energy. 

The list could go on forever and you don’t have to pick all of them, you can start with just one. 

The point is to start and get back in control. 

Life is a ride, be the driver.