Drive Gets it Going, Discipline Keeps it Going

Written by Dara Sweatt

They say the hardest part of a healthy lifestyle is to get started. And while that might be true for some, I personally feel like that’s not the case. 

It’s easy to find your pinterest healthy recipes and make your grocery list and go to the store and get allllllll the things you need to embark on your new quest. 

It’s two weeks in and you’re doing and feeling great. You go to bed on that third Sunday night, food is prepped, early alarm is set for the gym. Three, two, one…..


5 more minutes.


5 more minutes.


You missed the gym class. You’re not going later. 

What happened? You had all the food prepped, you had the alarm prepped, you’ve been doing GREAT for two weeks now!

From experience, I can say two things probably happened:

One, you prepped the same thing or something similar to eat for the third week in a row.

Or two, you went into week three unprepared because you felt cocky going into it. 

When reality sets in, your brain just goes “no way”. 

Here are some tips to staying disciplined and not giving up or falling out of your good habits! 

1. Know Your Weaknesses 

We all have them. I’m not lying when I say I can eat a whole box of Cheez-its in one sitting. And I also know when it’s that time of month, I’m gonna HAVE to have something sweet around. So, to prepare for that, I make sure to portion out my snacks and record them. And keep healthier versions of those treats around so it’s not as heavy on the sugar! 

2. Set. Your. Goals. 

If you are not talking to a nutrition coach, I HIGHLY recommend at least getting your right numbers and goals set. MyFitnessPal is an amazing app to use as well. If you don’t have the map, how will you know where to go!? 

3. Give Yourself a Back Up Plan

Work ran late and you don’t have time to cook this amazing meal you had planned, what do you do!? Have options to keep in your freezer (like frozen veggies and turkey burgers or salmon) so you can throw in on the stove for 5 minutes and then you’re good to go! 

4. Eat Healthy and Often 

This doesn’t mean brown rice, chicken, and broccoli every night. For goodness sake, allow some variety in your diet. Ever tried roasted cinnamon butternut squash? TO DIE FOR! Put that Pinterest board you’ve been saving recipes to for years to good use and try at least one per month! Keep those taste buds entertained! 

5. Get an Accountability Partner

If it’s hard for you to keep yourself motivated, reach out to a friend or family member and ask them to chase the healthy life with you! Not only will you motivate each other, you’ll inspire each other as well and come up with even more ways to keep things interesting. 

6. Don’t Overthink it 

The biggest thing about having a healthy lifestyle and keeping up with it, is to just not overthink it. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard or a chore. Have a plan and have fun!

As always, we are here for you as well! Feel free to reach out if you’re struggling or want to share some wins. We can’t wait for you to see all the new things we have coming up!