Dara Sweatt

Full Body Dumbbell Workout

Dara Sweatt
Full Body Dumbbell Workout

Ever find yourself on the road for business or pleasure and wanting to still get in a quick workout?

I have just the workout for you to try!

No matter what type of gym setup your hotel has available, you should be able to get this full-body exercise in and it takes less than 45 minutes!

Start with an incline walk warm-up:

3.5 speed and incline

Stretch for 2-3 minutes:

90/90 Hip Switches

Butterfly stretch

Lunge hip flexor stretch

Push press lunge (Single 20# Dumbbell)


10 reps on each side 

Rest 1:00 between sets

Squat to curl (Single 20# Dumbbell)


15 reps 

Rest 1:00 between sets

Bird dog rows (Single 20# Dumbbell)


12 each side 

Rest 1:00 between sets 

Glute bridge skill crushers (2 10# dumbells)


10 reps

Rest 1:00 between sets

Stretch 2-3 minutes

Couch stretch

20 Scorpion Total

Watch the quick demo video here!