Written by Ellen Hogan

Listen, we can all agree that 2020 has been the weirdest year ever. If you feel like summer has slipped through your fingers and into the hands of Lady Rona, here are some tips to squeeze out the last bit of it while still remaining socially distant:

1. Have an outdoor party

A good backyard barbecue or game night with friends is one of our favorite ways to ensure you’re social distancing while still enjoying the great outdoors. Even in an apartment, there are almost always common areas/grills that you can post up at on a weekend with some friends. So, grab some charcoal, blankets, and a deck of cards and invite some friends over for a grill-your-own potluck!

2. Have a drive-in movie night

Speaking of great socially distant activities, why not find a drive-in movie theatre? This week, we got some friends together and headed to a drive-in to catch some classic movies. You can often bring your own snacks but concessions are usually inexpensive as well. Drive-in theaters tend to be much cheaper than regular cinemas, offering two movies for the price of one and/or price per car. Do some research and find one near you!

Another option is to have a drive-in experience at home! If you have a projector, you can set it up in your yard with a hanging sheet and have friends over to your place. Grab some candy at the dollar store and make some popcorn and enjoy your summer night!

3. Try a new recipe

Take some time on Pinterest to find a recipe that you would never think to create. One of Ellen’s new faves is homemade Poke bowls. You can also try making something you already love from scratch, like homemade pizza dough, chicken pot pie, frozen coffee, or a fancy cocktail. Bonus points if you grab your ingredients from your local farmers market.

4. Exercise outside

Depending on where you live, it may be hot as hell in August. But you can still get some outdoor exercise if you hit the trails in the morning. Go for a hike, bike ride, swim, or kayak to get your heart rate up while also soaking up some Vitamin D. Just don’t forget to wear some natural sunscreen to protect your skin!