Work smarter, not harder.

Remember PE class in middle school? Take yourself back to that time of year when the Presidential and National Fitness Tests threw you on the track to beat an 8 minute mile. 

“Hustle harder!” You heard your coach yell to the slow kids who aren’t even trying to run.

Even though you're running your hardest and keeping a decent pace for yourself, you find yourself running harder. Then--boom--you cross the finish line and yak all over it. 

In today’s world, the word “hustle” is tossed around a LOT. 

This hustle culture we have stepped into is an often-glamorized concept of constantly working and being busy, glamorizing the response “BUSY” to people asking how you are. This phenomenon causes many people to take on more work than they can reasonably manage.

I am definitely guilty of working too hard and putting much on my plate at times. It’s natural to want to be the most experienced and have the most opportunities to grow and perfect your craft. 

But you know what often happens when you put too much on your plate and stretch yourself too thin? 

You risk running into some serious burnout, not to mention various health issues.

Working overtime and experiencing burnout are associated with a whole boatload of health risks, like high blood pressure, excessive alcohol use, atrial fibrillation or irregular heartbeat, cardiovascular disease, depression, etc. 

Long-term health impacts may not be as clear as the deadline you're working on, but in reality, taking breaks will help you feel refreshed and better prepare you to handle both work AND your personal life.

Here are some tips on how to cope with burnout and not get dragged under by hustle culture:

  • Create Non-Work Related Hobbies:

    • Think about all the crafts you’ve Pinned in the past and never even attempted to do! The holidays are coming up and nothing says “I love and appreciate you” better than a hand painted picture frame or DIY ornament. Put on some good music, pour some tea (or wine), and let your creative flag fly! Crafting is a soothing way to distract you from your phone and other electronics.

  • Meditate:

    • This doesn’t have to mean doing a full vinyasa yoga flow. It can literally be five minutes of silence focusing on your breath. Do it right when you wake up, during the day, or right before you go to bed. Even if it’s just a few minutes to center yourself and clear your mind, it will make a HUGE difference on your mental clarity and stress levels in the long run!

  • Cook Your Own Meals

    • Food is LIFE. And what you put in your body will be reflected in your energy, focus, and overall health. I’m not saying you can never go out to eat again, but the majority of the meals you consume on a weekly basis should be made in your own kitchen. Use the skillet on the stove top to heat up the chicken you meal-prepped instead of the microwave. (It will taste better anyways, thank me later). Not only will doing this be better for your nutrition, it will also help you take a moment to slow down.


    • I cannot stress this enough. Your mind, body, and soul depend on sleep. If I don't get enough sleep, I tend to be a tad snappy (just ask Ellen). I personally can sleep 6 hours and feel fine, but ideally you want a full 8 hours (Everyone is different). You need some time to wind down before your brain can rest and sleep. As we mentioned in our insta-story last week (are you following us yet?), too much screen time before bed can impact your ability to sleep and the quality of sleep you get. Some things that help me sleep are brewing some Bengal Spice or Chamomile Tea, spraying a sleep mist on my pillow, and/or rubbing Bath & Body Works sleep lotion on my neck and arms. 

What are some things that you do to avoid burning out? Send us your tips and tricks to !