Dara Sweattsugar, hangover, detox, hydrate


Dara Sweattsugar, hangover, detox, hydrate

Written by Ellen Hogan


And not just from alcohol, your body can revolt against you for a junk-food binge or even a lack of sleep. Why is it that the tastiest things can make us feel the worst and the funnest nights make for the worst mornings? After a binge of candy, soda, and other indulgences my body will feel like I’ve been hit by an 80mph semi. Here are some tips to help get your body running the way it should again:

  • 1. Hydrate before you caffeinate

First and foremost, your body needs to hydrate EVERY morning, so this tip is always a good rule of thumb. DRINK WATER FIRST. In the last 8 hours, your body hasn’t gotten any water and you need to hydrate. I sleep with a glass of water next to her bed every night and always drink another when she wakes up before drinking caffeine or eating. I notice a huge difference when I don’t do this. This helps reset your system, rehydrate you, flush out toxins, and prevent dehydration related headaches.

  • 2. Caffeinate

Let’s be honest, coffee is a beautiful thing. Not only does it wake you up, but it’s also a natural diuretic. Diuretics clean out your bowels and keep you regular (cause poopin’ is important). So, have a cup of coffee and get that digestive system cleaned out. Just be sure to have water before and after to hydrate you, because the downside of diuretics is their dehydrating effects. But also… CAFFEINE.

  • 3. Probiotics

Another great way to reset your system is to eat foods rich in probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that help your gut to heal and prevent irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and fight off bad bacteria that may give you a rumbly tummy. Probiotic rich foods are also proven to decrease eczema, clear skin, improve urinary and vaginal health, prevent allergies, and increase oral health. It’s a WIN WIN. Some foods rich in probiotics are yogurt, pickled foods, tempeh, kombucha, and sourdough bread.

  • 4. Stretch

Research proves that stretching can also help clear the body of toxins. My favorite stretch for digestive issues is cat-cow. In a tabletop position your hands and knees, drop your stomach and stretch your abdomen, then do the opposite, curving the spine and drawing the abdomen up toward your spine, stretching the back. This helps to massage the digestive organs and get everything moving.