Written by Dara Sweatt

Ahh food, my favorite thing in the world! I LOVE to eat. Sometimes a little too much… which is why I have always had to be careful and aware of what I’m eating cuz your girl can straight up start and just not stop. But that’s why keeping track and being aware of how much you’re letting yourself put in your body is so important!

Have you heard about these three little things called “macros”? I’m sure you have just by surfing the web, social media, or even from a friend. Macronutrients aka macros are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats and they are the three main sources of your consumed calories. 


Let’s start with some info about each macro. 



Proteins provide our body’s structure & components of enzymes, regulate body function & immune system health, and aids in hormone regulation. Calories from protein should comprise about 30% of our daily calorie intake. Typically, proteins come from meat but they also come from a variety of other sources!



Carbohydrates aka Carbs are our body’s main source of fuel. Carbs keep protein from being used as energy and aids in the oxidation (breakdown) of fat. Calories from carbohydrates should comprise no more than 40% of our daily calorie intake. Carbs will vary depending on the source, but these are things like fruit, sugar, vegetables, and much more. DO NOT BE SCARED OF CARBS!!!!


  • FATS 

Fats are a component of our membranes, aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and is used as a source of energy. Calories from fat should comprise about 30% of our daily calorie intake. Fats come from plant and animal-based sources. 


So now, let’s think! What does that mean? So what is it? Do I really have to do math everyday? Oh lord…. STOP. DON’T PANIC!

Macro counting is just calorie counting! Just with more specific targets to stay within a certain range of each macro. These numbers are determined in various ways but the main idea behind them is calories in vs calories out. In order to lose weight, you need to expend more energy than you consume.


So let’s ask ourselves? Should you be counting macros? For most people, logging food and counting macros will provide them with the guidance they need to meet their long term goals, I personally think about it like a game and I want to get as close to 0 by the end of the day as I can without going over (AND you can drink wine and still stay under your macros...balance).


However, it isn’t always the best solution for everyone. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Does it fit in your current lifestyle? 

  2. Do you want to weigh and measure the foods in order to log them?

  3. Do you need the added level of accountability?

  4. Can you consistently log everything you consume every single day?


If logging your food doesn’t seem like the right fit for you, then it probably isn’t. Don’t stress yourself out if you don’t want to play the “let’s get down to 0 game”. Here are a few things that can help you if you don’t want to log:

  1. Consistently eat vegetables

  2. Eat every when you’re hungry

  3. When you’re hungry, eat clean

  4. Have a good daily routine 

  5. Cook and prepare at least 50-60% of your meals at home


Tackling your nutrition in your lifestyle can be stressful, don’t let it stress you out! You won’t explode if you eat an extra piece of bread, or have a cookie, or drink wine! Live your best life always and just pay attention to what you eat. Happy eating!