Dara Sweatt

Overcoming Growing Pains

Dara Sweatt
Overcoming Growing Pains

Written by Ellen Hogan


Remember how much your body hurt in middle school when you shot up like a beanstalk? Yeah… growing pains are inevitable, regardless of what area you’re trying to improve. Growth requires intention, dedication, and sacrifice. You will have to make time and CHOOSE to push beyond the resistance in order to see the results you want. Below are some common inhibitors to be aware of as well as some tips to overcome them. 

1. Initial resistance

As we talked about a couple weeks ago on Finance Friday, our brains are constantly seeking instant gratification. Every time we eat junk food, check social media, buy something new, etc. our brain gets a hit of dopamine, feeling satisfied for the time being. However, the type of things that will give you an immediate dopamine hit will likely hurt you in the long run. It’s impossible to grow if you never get past what feels good in the moment. 

THE FIX: Start with a planning phase: Break your goal down into smaller, more approachable goals and figure out what you can do to accomplish those. Then make it fun by giving yourself small rewards whenever you reach a goal.

2. Lack of motivation

No matter how much you love something or how pumped you are to do it, there will be times that you feel unmotivated. 

THE FIX: Find a buddy: Odds are you have a friend who would be down to co-work, workout, or make a healthy meal together. Pursuing a goal with a friend will keep you accountable, but even just pursuing your own goals near each other can give you the boost you need to reach your goals. 

3. Plateaus

One of the most frustrating aspects of growth is the inevitability of plateaus. There WILL be a time that you stop seeing progress or even take a step backward. Whether it’s in weight loss, financial goals, mental health, or nutrition, plateaus are inevitable and can be immensely discouraging. 

THE FIX: Mix it up: If you’ve stopped seeing improvement in one area, make small tweaks to make the growth process feel fresh. For example: If you’ve stopped seeing results from boxing, try lifting weights or doing yoga. You don’t have to cut out boxing, but adding something new to your routine will give you the boost you need to see improvement again.

4. Burnout

If you’re giving all your time, energy, and attention to your goals, you will certainly reach a point of burnout. You can’t change the world in a day, and if you try to, you’ll work yourself so hard that you crash.

THE FIX: Take breaks: (whether that’s a few 10 minute breaks in your workday, rest days from exercise, or eating the darn cookie). Make sure you’re taking the appropriate time to work and improve, but also GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK. Major goals take time. Treat yourself like a rubberband, stretch yourself gently and slowly so you don’t snap.

Every goal comes with its own challenges, but these are some of the most common. I hope that these tips encourage you to continue growing and pursuing your dreams. Be sure to check out this week’s episode of BBH to hear nutritionist Nikki Graham’s advice on nutrition and how to grow your wellness by nourishing your body.