Dara Sweatt

Using Doterra Essential Oils

Dara Sweatt
Using Doterra Essential Oils

Written by Dara Sweatt

I was first introduced to Doterra products by a friend of mine a few years ago and instantly fell in love with them, but I didn't really have an education on it. 

I got a little taste of the oil Wild Orange and used it to literally the last drip as well as a gift of travel sized oils from the “emotional aromatherapy” line and did just about the same with those as well! 

Fast forward to this year and I have been using Doterra for about two months and I’m not gonna lie, I was like okay these smell good and the ones I’ve used before have given me the expected reactions, but I’m sure it’s just a placebo. It had to just be in my head there’s no way some ju ju oils could be medicinal. But I gave it a try anyways and I am SO GLAD I DID!

My biggest health concerns are random, uncontrollable migraines, breathing issues, anxiety and sleep.

So the package I ordered to kick things in gear pretty much covered all those topics. 


When I first started using them, I was a little skeptical, but after the first night using the “sleeper” oils (serenity and lavender), I had the BEST, full and deep night of sleep and did not wake up groggy or messed up like I have with other sleep products I’ve tried.


The “breathe” oils truly helped with my breathing too. One of my biggest issues with sports my whole life and working out now as an adult has been my breathing during high intensity workouts and by using that only with a little peppermint, I truly feel like a new person. 


I suffer from anxiety and sometimes have super random intrusive thoughts that really disrupt my comfort and ever since using the Adaptive calming blend oil, they have subsided and really haven’t been as harsh or frequent as they have in the past. 


After the first few weeks of using the oils for various reasons and seeing and feeling results, I was STILL skeptical, even though I was physically and emotionally feeling better. “There’s no way these juju oils are working. It has to just be a placebo or something”. I would think to myself. 

But I kept using them because my sleep was really suffering before bringing them in and I had been sleeping like an angel for weeks since starting them. And my breathing was as if I had new lungs, so crazy!

It wasn’t until the day I felt a migraine coming on. I always know when they’re creeping up and the symptoms that come along with it. I’m talking about nausea, spins, and fetal position in my bed because everything hurts so bad. 

I looked at the time and it was about 11pm so there was no way I was taking migraine medicine filled with caffeine because I knew I would never get to sleep. So, I took a chance on these “juju” oils.

I grabbed the peppermint and rubbed some on my neck and temples and took five deep breaths with it cupped in my hand, and laid down, centering my thoughts on sleep. 

Within five minutes, I was out cold and woke up the next morning as if the migraine never even started to creep up to begin with.

These “juju” or “witch” oils, as my friends like to call it, have seriously been a life saver. I feel so much more well rested and energized and just all around SO MUCH BETTER.

There is still so much I need to teach myself about these oils and how they can benefit my long term health, and there are obviously other things I use in my day to day for my sports performance and gut health and things like that and I'm just excited to share it all from this point on!

I’m totally not in this to grow my business or build a team with Doterra, I just want to share. And I wanted to wait until I was using them myself for an appropriate amount of time to see their benefits before I blasted it all over! These are “juju” oils afterall (;

For those of you who are in need of support for Sleep, Stress, Allergy, Pain, or Digestion, there is a free study going on for this month where all you have to do is sign up and you’ll receive the oils for free so you can see for yourself how great they are! I mean why not give them a try especially when it’s for free 99? 

If you’re interested in checking out the oils, click here. Feel free to PM or email me if you have any questions as well!