Dara Sweatt

What it Means to be Positive

Dara Sweatt
What it Means to be Positive

Written by Dara Sweatt

This month has centered around the theme of positivity. 

What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘positive’? 

What does ‘being positive’ actually mean? 

I’ll tell you this much, it’s not just about always being happy and bubbly. 

Nothing grinds my gears more than when someone tells me to ‘just be positive’ when I’m in a mood or feeling down about something. 


What being positive means, is when you’re in those moody situations, you take a minute to control your emotions when you are in a less than pleasant situation. 

Positive people don’t react right away, causing more drama or irritation. 

Positive people take a breath, collect themselves, and then say or do what is needed. 


Being positive is also about being proactive with your health. 

It’s about putting in the nutrients that are going to fuel your body and help keep your immune system boosted. 

If you eat crap, you feel like crap, and you act like a crappy person. It’s a vicious cycle that you can interrupt with making the right choices on what you put in your body. 


Overall, positive people control their controllables

How you react is controllable. 

What you eat is controllable. 

If you want to be more ‘positive’ start with those two things!

Now, don’t get me wrong. Being positive doesn’t mean you can’t get upset. You are entitled to how you feel, always. 

What we are not entitled to, however, is holding on to things that turn us cold. 

Being positive is having the ability to let that ish GO!

My homework for you this week is to tell yourself something positive every morning.

Start with something simple:

  •  I Am Loved

Say it every morning, out loud for the rest of the month. Add to it if you want, but if you’re new to the affirmation game, keep it simple and just say this one. 

If you’re looking for an essential oil to help uplift your mindset, the oil of the month is Motivate. This was one of the first oils I was every exposed to and it was what got me hungry for more of them. 

Enjoy doTERRA Motivate’s aroma as you work to unleash your creative powers and find the courage that comes from believing in yourself again. Go ahead and raise the bar—you can do it!