Dara Sweatt

5 Tricks to Improve Memory

Dara Sweatt
5 Tricks to Improve Memory

Written by Dara Sweatt

Do you ever feel like your mind and memory don’t work quite as well as they used to? Of course the years creepin’ can have some effect on your brain functionality, but certain aspects of brain function are not necessarily linked to getting older. 

All this talk we do about things like “eating healthy” or “getting exercise” regularly isn’t just about physical health but mental health too! Your brain relies on nourishment just as much as your body does. Lucky for us, there are some tricks we can use to train our memory. Here are 5 to get you started:

1. Eat a balanced diet

Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants will help stimulate the production of new brain cells.

Try foods like salmon, tuna, sardines, spinach, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds. Eat colorful veggies like kale, carrots, and beets, and get antioxidants from tea and WINE (we love to see it!) in moderation. Foods with higher levels of saturated fat and processed sugar can increase risk of dementia and hinder memory and concentration.

2. Get enough exercise

When I was in college, I had a severe concussion. It’s strange to think about, but I had to do “brain workouts” and they’re for real! Your brain can be developed just like your muscles can through exercise. Moving your body and increasing your heart rate can reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, dementia, or alzheimers. So take the time now to help your brain later on!

3. Get enough sleep

Easier said than done, I know. I just invested in some essential oils that have been a total game changer in this arena! Sleep can strengthen your retention of new information because your brain goes through a sort of review process during this time. Your brain is able to forge connections while you sleep, helping cement memories and acts like a re-boot for your brain.

4. Don’t try to multitask 

We’ve said this before, and I am guilty of this myself, but I really do try to stay cognisant of this habit. Our brains actually can’t do two things at once. Watching TV and scrolling on instagram is not a thing, hate to break it to ya. You’re gonna focus on one or the other. If you focus on one task at a time, your brain is able to do just that: FOCUS. This deep focus allows for better retention and trains your brain in good habits.

5. Balance Your Stress

Another “easier said than done”, but chronic stress, depression, and anxiety can all lead to reduced memory function and even the destruction of brain cells if left untreated for too long. A couple of things you can do to counteract these effects to laugh and meditate whenever possible. Laughter engages multiple regions of the brain while simultaneously reducing stress. Regular meditation, prayer, and reflection can diminish the damaging effects of stress on the brain. And of course, if it's available to you, talking with a therapist can be extremely helpful in processing anxiety and trauma.

To sum these tricks up, nourish your body with all the good-goods, exercise and sleep regularly, stop trying to be a circus juggler with all the things, and purposely place yourself in situations where you can invite peace into your life. Taking care of yourself now will help your brain later!