Dara Sweatt

How to be Alone but not Lonely

Dara Sweatt
How to be Alone but not Lonely

U LONELY BRO? No? Good, me neither (*nervous laugh*).

Whether you live alone, just went through a break-up, have a partner who’s never around, live with roommates you don’t get along with, or are hard-core quarantining—2020 is an easy year to experience loneliness. But here are some tips for how to be ALONE BUT NOT LONELY.


Take a moment to be grateful for the ability to do what you want, when you want. Your free time is YOURS. If you don’t have kids, be grateful for the flexibility to get up and go somewhere you’ve been wanting to visit, time to pursue a hobby, and the ability to bond with friends.


Speaking of your friends, call an old friend every once and a while and answer when they freaking call. It may feel exhausting or like you don’t have time. Even if you’re not feeling it at first, odds are you’ll leave the conversation feeling energized and loved.

If you meet someone new, ask them to hang out (what a concept). New friendships will help to expand your view of the world, get you to try new things, and open up doors to even more people and experiences. This is essential, even for introverts. Just because you recharge on your own, doesn’t mean you have to be alone all the time. BRANCH OUT. I PROMISE YOU’LL BE BETTER FOR IT.


Like we said before, your free time is YOURS. What are you going to do with it? Are you just going to watch Netflix on the couch? Or even just work, go to the gym, and cook healthy meals? Hate to break it to you, but that’s not wellness either. We are always preaching about BALANCE. What do you really enjoy doing? Painting? Hiking? Dancing? Biking? Photography? MAKE TIME FOR WHAT YOU TRULY LOVE! That will energize you in a way that Netflix never can.


We say it all the time, and you’re probably tired of hearing it. But trust us, getting outside will do you a world of good. If it’s cold where you live, bundle up, grab a warm beverage, and go for a walk or just sit in the grass to enjoy the seasons. It’s incredible how the earth changes throughout the year and we get to experience all the minute differences in weather.

Right now, “grounding” is a big buzz-word in wellness circles. Research has shown that taking off your shoes and just feeling the earth can improve immunity, stress levels, sleep, blood flow and more. Reconnect your body to the earth and the outdoors. We weren’t designed to live inside of concrete boxes, God created the earth with healing energy. So go outside, get some vitamin D and embrace the sounds of the earth.


“Hygge” is a Danish/Norwegian word referring to a mood of coziness and feelings of wellness and contentment. Hygge is all about slowing down and appreciating the little things like watching a plant grow, making a cup of coffee, or making your space clean and beautiful. It’s time to bring more hygge into your life. For me, curling up with a book or doing a jigsaw puzzle helps me feel both calm and productive (they’re both good for your brain after all).

Want to know what hygge is NOT? Staring at your phone and scrolling through social media endlessly into oblivion. But it CAN be watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn and homemade peanut butter cups (Have you made those yet? Recipe here).


In Isaiah 41:10, God tells us, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” If the God who created the universe and raised Jesus from the dead is at your side all the time, then you’re never REALLY alone. Talk to Him and take time to listen for his voice, He will speak to you if you make time for silence. But it’s hard to hear from him if we’re drowning in the noise.

Loneliness comes for all of us sometimes, but if you make time for what you truly love, you will start to feel better day by day. Remember that the Lord is with you and never be afraid to reach out to us, we’d love to chat with you as well!