Dara Sweatt


Dara Sweatt

Written by Ellen Hogan


We can say that now that Thanksgiving is over, right?

We’d love for you all to know that we are SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU and for the amazing things that 2020 has brought. Despite the crazy low points of this year, we were able to launch Beyond Broke & Hungry and fulfill our dream while connecting with you guys and learning from a variety of health professionals. SO THANK YOU FOR BEING A PART OF THIS JOURNEY!

As we slip-slide into the Holidays (like some slimy old man in your DMs), it’s easy to slide away from our goals as well, saying, “I’ll start it next year. New Year’s Resolutions are a thing for a reason right? New beginnings. Fresh start.”

Well… sort of. But let’s also keep in mind that we still have about 10% of THIS year left. As much as some of us may hate to hear it, 2020 ain’t over yet. And I have another harsh reality for you, we aren’t going to flip a switch on 1/1/21 and completely eradicate CoVid 19. As nice as that would be, it’s just not realistic and we need to learn to move forward in this new normal, for as long as necessary.

What was on your resolution list for 2020? Did you achieve anything on that list or decide to just call 2020 a wash? No matter what your goals are, the only way to reach them is through actively pursuing them with your time and energy. Words and goals won’t get you anywhere if you don’t take action to make them happen.

Did you tell yourself you’d learn a language?

Download Duolingo or another language app and do 5 minutes a day. Even that much will get you moving in the right direction, and it’s free.

Did you tell yourself you’d eat healthier?

Find a couple recipes that are full of veggies and high in nutrients, not just empty calories. A few simple swaps can make a big difference when it comes to your diet.

Did you tell yourself you’d finally use that gym membership?

Sorry friend, lady Rona nipped that one right in the bud. Might as well try something different. Do a quick workout video on Youtube like Madfit or Popsugar Fitness, both of these channels offer a variety of fun workouts that will get your heart-rate up. AND you can do them in as little as 10 minutes.

Did you tell yourself you’d be a better friend?

Give that long lost BFF a call. Odds are, they’ll really appreciate hearing from you (even if it requires days of phone tag or a scheduled Facetime date). And when you’re talking make sure to stop and REALLY LISTEN. I listened to a podcast the other day that said “When you’re listening to someone? Are you receiving or reloading to respond?” I thought that was so poignant, and we will write a newsletter in the future about having healthy relationships and listening well. SO STAY TUNED!

Did you tell yourself you’d get closer to God?

Read a couple verses, do a 3 minute devotion, or start a gratitude journal. These little things will help you remember that the Lord has great things planned for you and to keep him in your heart daily.

Small tweaks lead to major changes over time. It’s what Jeff Olson’s book “The Slight Edge” is all about (I highly recommend you check it out). You’re FAR more likely to succeed at something if you start doing it daily, and form a habit.

Don’t take the rest of 2020 for granted! This year isn’t over yet, and we still have time to make progress. There’s beauty in every day, so let’s make the best of each one and choose to take hold of it. Don’t let life happen to you. Make things happen.