Dara Sweatt

Keeping Resolutions Simple in 2024

Dara Sweatt
Keeping Resolutions Simple in 2024

Written by Dara Sweatt

Happy 2024!!

You made it! How amazing does it feel? Pretty good, huh?

A big buzzword going around right now is RESOLUTIONS. It seems like everywhere you look brands and influencers are shoving it in your face, making you feel like you HAVE to come up with something in order to sit at the cool kids table.

News Flash: it doesn’t matter what the day on the calendar is, it is just another day with an opportunity for you to get 1% better.

I’m here to remind you that you are doing amazing with or without a vision board for the new year or a specific chore or mindset you want to make this year about. Don’t let the hype make you feel otherwise!

However, with all that being said, there is totally nothing wrong with taking some time to reevaluate where you’re at and taking inventory so you know what is needed to continue on your growth journey. 

So, I made a vision board for 2024 and if you are like me, you are a visual person who likes lists😅

Upon forming my thoughts and mindset goals for 2024, I started with six main categories:

1️⃣: Health

2️⃣: Home

3️⃣: Financial

4️⃣: Professional

5️⃣: Fun

6️⃣: Family

Underneath, I brain dumped a few items to keep in mind for the new year.

The trick to setting up your goals and new mindsets, is to not over complicate it.

You are still only one person even with a New Year transition. There is no magical fairy dust that comes along and all the sudden, you're a superhero.

The items under the category can be 1-2 or it can be 8-10! Let yourself dump the thoughts out and then shape it up to what is realistic!

And then, you can create something bright and fun to look at throughout the year and check off those to-dos as you go, feeling accomplished ALL YEAR LONG!

In 2023, I had some really amazing times and I had some really hard times. Growing my faith and my relationship with the Lord has really helped center me and keep me focused with an attitude of gratitude. With that came sacrifice, humility, and responsibility. I can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store!

You got this friend, happy visioning! 😁