Dara Sweatt

What to Eat Before a Workout

Dara Sweatt
What to Eat Before a Workout

Fueling your workouts properly is extremely important, especially if you are new to the fitness world.

Don’t just reach for the pre workout that is going make your veins itch and thoughts bounce around in your head.


The importance of fueling with FOOD for a workout:

  • Help you meet the demands of the activity

  • Ensure that you full benefit from the workout

  • Aid with strength, endurance, agility and flexibility

  • Repair and build muscle

  • Replace glycogen stores to help muscle recover

Here are some examples of things you can eat before a workout.

These options are best consumed within 30-45 minutes before your workout so your body has time to digest, but if you’re like me and try to get to that 6am class with a 5:30 alarm clock, go for the easier and faster digestable option: apple sauce and protein powder.

My go-to post workout meal for a 6am class:

Arbonne Fizz

Scoop of collagen


If I’m working out in the afternoon/evening:


Slice of turkey deli meat

If I’m going on a run:

GoGo Squeeze pouch

Slice of turkey deli meat

*Depending on how long the run is, I may eat a pounch AND a banana.

Those options are just what work for me, you can try these out or experiment with what works for you. The biggest thing is to make sure you are getting a balance of protein and carbs to give you the energy naturally and fuel you need to crush your workout!

You got this, friend!