Dara Sweatt

National Peanut Butter Day

Dara Sweatt
National Peanut Butter Day

It’s national peanut butter day!

I LOVE peanut butter, it is just so good and a major treat in my opinion.

It’s one of my go-to sweet treats to curve the craving, especially when I’m on my period (am I right, ladies)?

Thankfully, peanut butter is not just an amazing treat, it is a nutritious food that provides several health benefits.

Here are three nutritious facts about peanut butter:

  • Rich in Healthy Fats: Peanut butter is a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy fats. These fats can help improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

  • Protein Content: Peanut butter is a good source of protein, which is essential for muscle repair, immune function, and overall growth and development. It can be a valuable protein source for individuals, especially those following vegetarian or vegan diets.

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Peanut butter contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients play important roles in maintaining bone health, supporting energy metabolism, and protecting cells from oxidative damage.

It's important to consume peanut butter in moderation, as it is calorie-dense. Opt for varieties without added sugars or hydrogenated oils for the healthiest option.

I created a peanut butter recipe to help curve the sweet tooth AND help you reach your protein goals!

See my latest recipe for the details).