Dara Sweatt

Seasons of Growth

Dara Sweatt
Seasons of Growth

Written by Dara Sweatt

As we go through life, we end up finding ourselves in multiple seasons. 

Some are flourishing, exciting, wonderful, and some are less vibrant, but just as necessary. 

The past few months, I have been going through, what I would call, a season of growth.

How fitting that the theme I’ve chosen for March is growth.

Ever since I tore my lateral meniscus during a competition in October of 2021, I have had SO MANY things running in and out of my head. 

It has been a constant fight to stay on top of my game and continue with my routines and believing that there is a purpose for my abrupt slow down during a season of what I thought, was being on fire and rising higher and higher. 

Even though the enemy has gotten inside my head countless times, leaning me to believe I’m now useless and unworthy of overcoming, I have fought tooth and nail to power through. 

I have woken up every day and pushed through whether or not I felt like it, because I know if I don’t show up for myself, who will? 

So, if you are like me and you’re going through a season of growth, I want to share a few pieces of advice that have really helped fuel my tank:

  • Keep Showing Up

    • It’s easy to give up when life hits you with an unpleasant situation. You feel useless or hurt or whatever it may be. But you HAVE to remind yourself every day that your life is worth showing up for, no matter what. The more you force yourself to do it, the easier it becomes, and one day you wake up feeling like it was all worth it. 

  • Pray Even Harder

    • The worst thing to do at this time is to turn away from God or blame him for your circumstance. Trust that He has a plan and lean on him to give you the strength to keep going. 

    • But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. - 2 Peter 3:18

  • Keep Your People Close

    • I’ll disclose that you should make sure you have GOOD people in your life who love and encourage you through the ups and downs. Don’t turn down dinner invites or beach days. Allow your family and friends to show they support you even if it’s just an evening of laughing so hard it hurts. Those moments add up and can help fuel you.

  • Nourish Your Body 

    • How are you going to have the strength to show up to work outs or hang with friends or even have a healthy mindset if your gut is full of crap? Eat good, feel good. There is SO MUCH to that statement. Remember, we are not dieters in this tribe, we simply eat foods that nourish our bodies 80% of the time. Make it count. 

  • Move Your Body

    • You don’t have to wake up at 5AM and get to a HIIT workout if that’s not for you. Taking long walks in the sun around the block or at the beach can be just as effective if your emotional energy is lacking. Do some yoga at home or in a class. Or just stretch at the gym for an hour. Or, go to a HIIT class, boxing class, CrossFit WOD, or run a marathon. Whatever you do, don’t stop moving. 

  • Stay Hydrated

    • Easiest thing you can accomplish in this season is staying hydrated. Just keep filling that emotional support water bottle and drink up! Use hydration packets like Rehydrate from Advocare if you need an extra boost. 

  • Get Lots of Rest

    • I am a Whoop user, so I track my sleep, strain, and recovery daily. And getting a good night of sleep was never that important to me until my injury. Yes, I wanted to get 5-6 hours, but during my recovery process, I realized it wasn’t enough for my body to have the power to heal. So if it’s not enough to heal my torn up body, how could it be enough to rejuvenate a healthy one? Get those REMs in!

Whatever season you’re in right now, good or bad, I want to remind you that you are a unique, powerful, and loved human and the world needs you, no matter how insignificant you may feel. 

You. Got. This.