Dara Sweatt

Establishing Healthy Routines

Dara Sweatt
Establishing Healthy Routines

Written by Dara Sweatt

The word 'routine' seems to be a bit of a buzzword and TikTok trend lately. 

Social media is leading us to believe that our routines have to be PERFECT in order to be, 'that girl'.

I'll break the news to you: the TikToks and Reels are not 100% what a routine looks like. It's what is perfectly captured in order to lead people to believe that's what it looks like everyday. 

So what is a routine?

A routine is a sequence of actions that you do repeatedly.

Now, there are such things as good routines and bad routines. Helpful or not, every routine is powerful.

Over the years, I have altered my morning and evening routines to meet me where my life is. I've tried the 5AM workouts, but by 3PM I'm ready to crash. My PCOS causes me to have really bad insomnia from time to time, so no matter how early I would go to bed, I'd only get about 4-5 hours of sleep and THAT IS NOT ENOUGH.

So I've adjusted. And I encourage you to find what works for you and do the same. 

If it makes sense for you to work out at 5AM, by all means, do it. 

But if it doesn't, you HAVE to allow your routines and your life to meet halfway or you’ll burn out and give up. 
The routines you establish have to fit YOUR life, not someone else’s (who is only sharing with you the perfect moments, mind you).

If you’re still trying to find a routine, or elements in your routine that will work for you, I took some time to think about everything I do each morning and evening to help give some inspiration.

These are things, morning and evening, I do every day. Keep in mind, this is an honest place, sometimes it’s messy and sometimes it’s out of order. It’s not always ‘broadcast worthy’, but it always gets done.


  • Wake up at 7AM

  • Take morning supplements/essential oil cocktail

  • Drink greens and make coffee


  • Wake up Bella (she likes to sleep in)

  • Make my bed

  • Walk Bella (yes I’m usually still in my jammies)

  • Eat breakfast

  • Rinse off in shower

  • Skin care routine/brush teeth

  • Get dressed and ready for the day!

The BEST way to start the day is with gratitude and some quiet time with Jesus. It really has helped set the tone for the day, regardless of how much I know I have to do. It prepares me to become equipped to handle anything the day throws at me. And making my bed once I wake up Bella is awesome too because coming home to a tidy room after the end of a long day makes me so relieved. 


  • Workout 5:30PM

  • Walk Bella

  • Eat dinner

  • Get breakfast, snacks and lunch for next day ready

  • Make sure none of MY dishes are in the sink 

  • Get coffee pot ready for the morning

  • Wipe down kitchen counters

  • Shower

  • Make tea

  • Skin care routine/brush teeth

  • Take evening supplements

  • Prepare diffuser with relaxing oils

  • Put on comfy PJs

  • Set out clothes for the next day

  • Journal thoughts from the day

  • Sleep! (I aim to be in bed by 9/9:30 and asleep by 10ish)

One of the best things I have done for my evening routines has been preparing my meals for the next day and tidying up the kitchen before I go to sleep. It has really helped my anxiety in the morning to not wake up and have to rush to pack lunch for the day and also see a list of chores compiling immediately when I know I have a long day ahead of me. 

It took me some time before I finally got my routines right, but what I have set in place for my days has really helped settle my anxiety. I don’t hold myself to being perfect with these, but I do make sure I hit it 80% of the time. I encourage you to do the same!

Prepare ahead of time to set yourself up for success! 

You got this!