Dara Sweatt

Staying Consistent

Dara Sweatt
Staying Consistent

Written by Dara Sweatt

The hardest part of establishing new goals and routines is staying consistent. 

We are coming up on three weeks into the new year and for some, your “New Year New Me” mindset might have shifted into “New Year Same Me”. 

64% of people abandon their New Year's resolutions within a month. ONE MONTH! 

I hate to break it to you, but that is not enough time to see or feel any changes whether it’s mental, physical, spiritual, or financial. 

Building positive and productive habits takes time. Consistency is more important than anything else you could be focusing on. 

So how do you stay consistent? 

Here are 3 things to keep in mind to help you stay consistent with whatever goals you are wanting to achieve:


Most people fail because they don’t take the few minutes needed to prepare.

Do you want to start working out? Have your clothes ready the night before whether it’s packed in your gym bag for the end of the workday, or easy to grab first thing in the morning.

Do you want to eat healthier? Sit down and plan out your plan for the week, what groceries or meals you need to order, and give yourself about 2 hours to cook and get your fridge ready for grab and go options so you don’t have to think, you can just eat!

Want to deepen your faith in God and love yourself more? Spend five minutes practicing gratitude, reading a devotion, and simply praying. God gave you a whole life, you can give him five minutes. The rest will fall into place.

Want to save money? Create a budget sheet and set up automatic transfers into a separate account so the money is immediately saved. Think for about 48 hours before making any unnecessary purchases over $50. 

If you’re prepared, you eliminate a lot of excuses. 


What we say and think shapes our mindset and our reality. 

I’ve talked before about using daily affirmations and the power they hold. I used to think it was so ‘woo woo’ to do that, and then once I started and consistently did it, I legitimately began to FEEL and THINK what I was saying.  

I’ll be honest, it feels weird at first to say things that I wasn’t feeling, but over time, it BECAME who I am. 

I started simple:





Slowly I started to add more in, but I recommend starting off with four. Think about the things you want to claim over yourself, and say them out loud, every day. Multiple times a day if you need to!

Negative phrases will limit your results and eventually become self-fulfilling statements. Be intentional and careful about the things you say and think. 


People find it hard to stay consistent because they overcommit. 

It’s okay to start small. If you’re not currently working out at all, don’t commit to a crazy workout schedule. 2-3 days is a perfect amount to start and 45 minutes to an hour is a good time frame to give yourself. 

If you want to lose weight, don’t cut everything out cold turkey. Start by adding leafy green veggies to your lunch and dinner every day. And focus on your portions using the plate method

If you want to save money, you can take $10 per week and put it in a drawer or separate account. Just get used to saving something and over time you can increase the amount. 

When in doubt, use the K.I.S.S method, Keep it Simple, Stupid. The path to overall health and wellbeing doesn’t have a destination when it becomes your lifestyle. The little things every day is what will set you apart and keep you moving forward.

You. Got. This.


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