Time for a Heart Check-In

Written by Ellen Hogan

Happy Heart Month everyone! And happy Valentine’s Day! 

It’s time for a heart check-in! Run through the questions below to assess how your heart is doing. It’s absolutely vital to understand where you’re at emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Without a regular check-in, we can let our emotional needs go ignored or even seek fulfillment from those we love (which is expecting too much of people as we discussed in our blog about boundaries. Linked Here).

It’s impossible to be truly healthy if we aren’t emotionally well. But that being said, “emotionally well” DOESN’T JUST MEAN HAPPY. As humans we experience a wide range of emotions, some of which feel pretty crummy. Some days we feel lonely, unmotivated, and just want to binge on junk food. Some days we’re happy to be alive, energized to fuel our bodies, and excited to take on the day.

While you read through the questions below, take a moment to just feel. It’s better to feel an emotion than to let it bubble up slowly until your emotions explode all over everyone around you. Taking a moment to feel your emotions will allow you to move forward more freely. Emotions are fleeting, so we can’t let them consume or control us. They’re just a part of us. Remember that you aren’t a robot, and as “not a robot” you have a vast emotional range. God made you that way and he’s with you through all of it! Try to remember that on the hard days. 

Also, PSA: it is COMPLETELY NORMAL to feel dreary this time of year. February is cold, cloudy, and terrible (at least where some of us live - I’m convinced it should be renamed “Still Winter”). But take it one day at a time, friend. We’re here for ya.

How are you feeling? Are you as tired of February (or as I like to call it “Still Winter”) as I am? Do you crave the outdoors but hate the cold weather? Are you thriving in the winter and don’t mind doing your own thing? Does Valentine’s Day make you feel lonely or unsatisfied? Are you holding back your emotions until you explode on the people you love?

How’s your faith? Have you been PRIORITIZING it past Church on Sunday or a 5 minute meditation? Have you been PURSUING God, seeking to give your extra time to worship and making the world a better place? Or is your faith the first thing to go by the wayside when you get busy? 

How’s your energy? Have you been exhausted or waking up well rested? Have you needed extra caffeine and a nap to get through the day? Have you been getting enough Vitamin D, nutrient rich foods, and water to energize you? Are you motivated to be productive?

How are your relationships? Are you emotionally exhausted and want to be alone? Are you filling your schedule to avoid being alone with your thoughts? Are you taking the time to hang out or check-in on friends and family? Do you have a significant other, and is that relationship healthy and balanced? Are you being honest with yourself and the people around you about your feelings/emotions? 

Once you’ve gone over these questions:

  1. Take a few deep breaths and sit in silence - meditate, pray, or go for a walk outside; it does SO MUCH for your heart; feel your emotions fully during this time

  2. Next, try to view your emotions as something outside of you - this is tricky, but looking at your feelings objectively can keep them out of the driver’s seat. If you feel sad, think about why you feel that way and then look at your sadness as the small part of you that it is. Not driving the car, but riding along as a passenger.

  3. Take a moment to think of a few things you’re grateful for - this will remind you, no matter how you’re feeling, that there are so many positive things going on around you. You just have to open your eyes to them!

  4. Do something that brings you joy - Dance party? Coloring? Baking brownies? Going for a drive? YOU DO YOU BOO BOO! (We just don’t recommend screen time)

We love you and hope this blog is helpful for you. Feel free to email us with the results of your Heart Check-In. Reach out to us anytime at beyondbrokeandhungry@gmail.com or DM us on Instagram @beyondbrokeandhungry