Dara Sweatt

Resolutions for a Better World in 2021

Dara Sweatt
Resolutions for a Better World in 2021

Written by Ellen Hogan

2021. New year, new goals.

What are your New Year’s resolutions looking like this year? Have you dialed them back after the uncertainty and craziness of 2020? Or are you more motivated than ever? For me, it’s a bit of both. But one thing that I’ve realized is that my goals are always about MYSELF.

Eat healthier, learn a language, spend less time on social media, exercise, read my Bible, etc.

All those things are GREAT. But I’ve decided that in 2021, I want my goals to have a greater impact. My resolution is to make the world a better place.

Here are some resolution/goal ideas that will not only improve YOUR life, but the lives of those around you.

  • Give a compliment

Whether it’s a stranger or someone you’re close to, taking a moment to encourage someone takes next to nothing from you and means the world to them. Genuine kindness can brighten someone’s outlook even on the worst day. One small comment could turn their day around completely. So, don’t be nervous. It may feel awkward at first, but it’s worth the risk.

  • Get to know someone new

When I was in college, I used to find random people and invite them to have dinner with me in the cafeteria. It was awkward sometimes, often I’d invite them to join me and someone else to diffuse any awkwardness. But you know what? One of those people is still one of my best friends more than 6 years later.

Everyone has at least one acquaintance on the outer edge of their circle that they think “man, that person seems really cool” or “I want to learn more about them”. If you take the time to get to know someone, odds are you can develop a great friendship over time. It pushes you out of your comfort zone while also making someone else feel loved and valued. Even if you go on one coffee date a month, you can get to know some really interesting people while discovering different outlooks on life and fun activities you may have never thought of. Get out of your comfort zone, you may just meet one of your best friends.

  • Take time to listen

Here’s a challenge for you (and me as well): have a conversation with someone and talk AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Ask questions and REALLY LISTEN to what they have to say. Don’t plan ahead for what you’re going to say (something I’m guilty of) or jump in with “that’s the same for me because of…” JUST LISTEN. Like the previous points I mentioned, this makes people feel valued and develops long-term, deep trust.

Okay, those 3 were a bit heavy, how about some lighter ideas?

  • Put the grocery cart back where it goes

Make the next person’s life easier by putting your cart back instead of leaving it next to your parking space. If you’re shopping at aldi, go the extra mile and leave your quarter for the next person. Small acts of kindness go a long way, people!

  • Bring re-usable bags/straws with you and ACTUALLY USE THEM

The main step is making sure you bring them along, so wash them between uses and then throw them back in your bag. I try to always have a couple of reusable bags in my car in case I need to make a quick grocery or shopping run. Sometimes I’ll “punish myself” for forgetting them by carrying all my items in my arms instead of using a bag. Crazy? Maybe. But do I forget them the next time? Nope.

When it comes to straws, here’s an important question: do you really need one in the first place? Straws are a luxury that we’ve all gotten used to, but most of us don’t actually NEED them to drink our beverages. But if you LIKE straws and prefer to use them, try bringing your own. Keep a metal, glass or silicone one in your bag to have accessible when needed. Remember to wash and dry them between uses and return them to your bag or else bacteria can start to grow. And we’ve all learned about the nastiness of germs in the past year. Another thing to note is that most servers are used to giving out straws, so make sure to refuse it before it’s dirtied or using your own isn’t helping anything.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s resolution ideas. Let’s make 2021 a GREAT YEAR!

We’d love to hear your goals for 2021, so shoot us an email or DM us with yours!