Dara Sweatt

The Road to Practicing Gratitude Daily

Dara Sweatt
The Road to Practicing Gratitude Daily

Written by Dara Sweatt

If you’ve listened to any episode of Season One, you know that I have struggled with depression for almost my whole life. It runs deep in my blood as a couple family members of mine have attempted and or even succeeded in ending their own lives. 

The “road to happiness” hasn’t always been easy. Regardless of what the highly-respected Elle Woods said about exercise releasing endorphins, working out every single day and killing yourself in the gym isn’t the sole answer.

Don’t get me wrong, it helps. And having a balanced lifestyle helps. I’ve worked towards that for YEARS. I’ve had some ups and downs and continue to learn every single day how to maintain that balance and redefine it for myself.

I had a friend tell me once about a year and a half ago that practicing gratitude and using affirmations to begin each day was a really good way to point yourself in that right direction. 

I’ll admit it, I thought that was a load of bull. 

But one day, I thought to myself, ‘What the heck, it can’t hurt to try it. What have I got to lose?” Literally nothing.

So, I began my journey of self-affirmations and practicing gratitude because I was tired of looking in the mirror and not appreciating what I saw.⁣ 

At first it was awkward as hell. I felt SUPER uncomfortable saying these “I am” statements and writing in a journal in my mid twenties. But I told myself that this was going to be a positive addition to my life regardless. 

I made this "challenge'' simple. Every day write down three things I'm grateful for. And speak out loud things that I needed to believe about myself. I started with four as a base.⁣





Depending on the day or what’s going on, I may add more things here and there but those four are my main ones. I recommend finding four base “I am” statements that will help you improve your vision of yourself. 

Here's a pro tip: Don't overthink it. 

When it comes to gratitude, it’s okay to keep it simple, you can be grateful for coffee. 

Don’t be afraid to write down that you’re grateful for the obstacles God put in your life to teach you a lesson or shed light on a situation or relationship you’re in. After all, sometimes God uses rejection for your protection.

I'm not a scientist, but I can speak some heavy truth when I say these two simple practices have made a HUGE impact on my life. Will it solve all your problems? Maybe, maybe not. But it WILL change your perspective.⁣

I actually BELIEVE the affirmations I say to myself every day. Do I have days where I don’t? Duh. And you will too, but that’s not the point. The point is to work at it everyday in order to give yourself the power and faith in yourself that you deserve to have. 

My challenge to you as the new year approaches is to start brainstorming things to affirm to yourself and to get a notebook and start writing THREE things that you are grateful for everyday and see how your life can change in one year. 

PS. You don’t have to wait for January 1st to start this mindset therapy. Grab a pen and a piece of paper or a notebook and start RIGHT NOW. 

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ellen or myself with any questions or encouragement you might need. We do this for you just as much as we do it for ourselves. 

You are worthy and gratitude is the attitude!